This course is held as a blended learning course, which means that e-learning sessions are accompanied by face-to-face sessions where questions can be clarified and discussed.
At the recommendations of the Austrian government, any and all face-to-face classes at CAMPUS 02 will be cancelled with immediate effect until 13th April 2020. Please note that this is a preventive measure.
As far as TE II is concerned, this means that two (out of four) face-to-face sessions will not take place. Instead. there´ll be content and tasks in TEAMS. I strongly suggest that you complete all the tasks in TEAMS but you won´t get any points (as you also didn´t get any points for participating in class)
The required attendance ratefor the two remaining face-to-face sessions is 50%.
What can you expect this semester? An overview can be found below. For more detailed information please consult this website.
Dates this semester:
12th March 2020
cancelled - see schedule and content for further information
27th March 2020
cancelled - see schedule and content for further information
18th April 2020
09.45 - 12.00: Group 1
12.00 - 14.15: Group 2
15th May 2020
13.45 - 17.00: Group 2
17.00 - 20.15: Group 1
Oral exam: 4th and 5th June 2020
Submission of innovation project: 31st May 2020
The oral exam will be held in groups of two or three (see project work). You´ll be asked questions about your project (but you won´t have to give a presentation about it). The oral exam takes place on 4th and 5th June 2020.
You will be asked to work on your innovation project all semester long.
Therefore, please choose an industry you are interested in, make up a company, develop an innovative product and plan its introduction to the market.
At the end of the semester (31st May 2020) you will have to create a password-protected website with all the documents. Please note that you do not have to write a paper. Your website should prove that you have dealt with the topics we discussed in class (please answer all the sentences in red on the Innovation Project pages). It can include powerpoint slides, sketches, notes, etc. You don´t need to spend a lot of time on creating a good design - but working together on a website is easier than using other documents.
In order to earn all the points, the following tasks have to be completed:
Upload a first version of your abstract in your Office365 folder (4th May 2020)
Proof-read two of your colleagues´ abstracts, comment on them and correct mistakes (7th May 2020).
Polish your abstract and upload the polished version onto Office365 (10th May 2020).
If you respect all the deadlines you´ll receive your corrected abstracts by Thursday, 14th May 2020 at the latest.
You´ll be given 8 points for writing and polishing your abstract, 2 points for commenting on the peer reviews and 10 points for the two peer reviews.
In every online session (there are four of them in total) you´ll be able to earn at least 50 participation points - you need 100 points in order to receive the best participation grade.
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