E-Learning Task 1.4

Read the page about innovations (again) and make sure you use the glossary. Choose five words you are not (particularly) familiar with, look them up and use them in meaningful sentence. This task is worth five points. Have a nice weekend!

Kind regards Dagmar

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 39
  • #1

    Dominik Tamm (Freitag, 20 März 2020 18:48)

    1.) Our company invested in a novel technology, with which it is possible to produce
    more luminaires per hour.

    2.) We will use this new technology to optimize our sales figures and to become the
    market leader.

    3.) You can also contract out with a stakeholder pension or a personal pension, but you
    have to be carefull.

    4.) The price of our new developed products must not exceed 100 dollars, because
    otherwise nobody will buy it.

    5.) We developed a machine which produces energy in a frugal way, and contributes to
    environmental protection.

  • #2

    Fabian Loacker (Freitag, 20 März 2020 19:35)

    Copycat: Often the Chinese companies are copying innovation and sell it on their own, you can call them copycat.

    Streamlining: In the production of some products in our company we have a too long lead time, therefore we are now streamlining the process.

    Malleable: Clay is often used for a first modeling of prototypes, because it is very malleable.

    Daring: His courage and daring made him a good pilot.

    Biodegradable: I use a biodegradable packaging to protect the environment.

  • #3

    Regina Schnalzer (Freitag, 20 März 2020 19:46)

    1) My mum buys affordable copycat versions of expensive perfumes.

    2) Many metals e.g. gold or aluminum are ductile and malleable.

    3) Bleeding-edge software is often pushed to give new features a go.

    4) My nephews played on the inflatable castle yesterday.

    5) This medical device contains open source software programs.

  • #4

    Bernd Thanner (Freitag, 20 März 2020 21:17)

    I think every company wants to be on the cutting edge of new tecnologies.

    Most people think of disruptive innovations when innovation is used.

    In fact more than 70% of the innovations are frugal.

    We need to carry out a test phase.

    Not only beer is handcrafted better :-)

  • #5

    Julia Daum (Freitag, 20 März 2020 23:32)

    It is really daring to start a start up without any financial assistance.

    Big companys have often rigid structures.

    Inventions are mostly actuated by a special need.

    The product lifecycle comprises all the stages from develpment to degenartion.

    You might need to convert the file before you are able to open it.

  • #6

    Markus H. (Samstag, 21 März 2020 16:32)

    1.) After several setbacks the company had to start the development of the product from scratch.
    2.) Good collaboration with suppliers increases the long-term success of a company.
    3.) There are many copycats of technical products in the Asian region.
    4.) All numbers and statistics in my scientific work are verifiable.
    5.) In my bachelor thesis I want to improve the efficiency of dealing with customer complaints by streamlining a process.

  • #7

    Christoph Zemanek (Samstag, 21 März 2020 17:22)

    Hi Dagmar,

    1) Customers anticipate a low price for the new product.
    2) The government is trying to sustain the smaller businesses .
    3) The additional slack time allows us to assemble 2 hours without a new delivery.
    4) Our new product is a bleeding-edge App for tracking calories.
    5) The App comprises a shopping list and a repertoire of recipes.

    Kind Regards

  • #8

    Andreas Blattl (Samstag, 21 März 2020 17:35)

    Hi Dagmar:
    If the employees have more slack time during work they are more creative.

    The product line comprises the assambling and the packageing of the product.

    The sales figures of respiration masks made a huge jump with the start of the corona virus.

    The be more efficent in the production the allocate personnel was done completely new.

    They launched a product which was cutting-edge.

    Best wishes

  • #9

    Peter Jantschgi (Sonntag, 22 März 2020 10:04)

    Hi Dagmar,
    1.) It is necessary to anticipate customers needs to be economical successful.
    2.) As future innovation manager we should encourage that employees can have more light-bulb moments.
    3.) After the corona pandemic many companies have to start from scratch.
    4.) Our service is very ductil to customers needs.
    5.) The situation after the corona crisis will be totaly avant-garde.

    BR Peter

  • #10

    Nadine Postl (Montag, 23 März 2020 09:18)

    Hi Dagmar,

    1.) In my opinion, this company is a copycat of my company because my company existed first.
    2.) It is very important for the environment to produce our products sustainably.
    3.) I particularly appreciate this product because it is handcrafted.
    4.) I only buy these bottles because they are reusable.
    5.) If the employees have more slack time, they will work more concentrated.

    Kind regards, Nadine

  • #11

    Dagmar for Dominik T. (Dienstag, 24 März 2020 12:22)

    1.) Our company invested in a novel technology, with which it is possible to produce
    more luminaires per hour.
    2.) We will use this new technology to optimize our sales figures and to become the
    market leader.
    3.) You can also contract out with a stakeholder pension or a personal pension, but you
    4.) The price of our newLY developed products must not exceed 100 dollars, because
    otherwise nobody will buy it.
    5.) We developed a machine which produces energy in a frugal way, and contributes to
    environmental protection.

  • #12

    Dagmar for Fabian L. (Dienstag, 24 März 2020 12:24)

    Copycat: Often the Chinese companies are copying ?> COPY innovation and sell it on their own, you can call them copycatS. (THE CHINESE OR THE INNOVATIONS? YOUR USE OF SINGULAR/PLURAL IN THIS SENTENCE IS A BIT MISLEADING ...)

    Streamlining: In the production of some products in our company we have a too long lead time, therefore we are now streamlining the process.

    Malleable: Clay is often used for a first modeling of prototypes, because it is very malleable.

    Daring: His courage and daring made him a good pilot. YES! DARING CAN BE A NOUN AND AN ADJECTIVE!

    Biodegradable: I use a biodegradable packaging to protect the environment.


  • #13

    Dagmar for Regina S. (Dienstag, 24 März 2020 12:25)

    1) My mum buys affordable copycat versions of expensive perfumes.

    2) Many metals e.g. gold or aluminum are ductile and malleable.

    3) Bleeding-edge software is often pushed to give new features a go.

    4) My nephews played on the inflatable castle yesterday.

    5) This medical device contains open source software programs.


  • #14

    Bernd Thanner (Dienstag, 24 März 2020 12:28)

    I think every company wants to be on the cutting edge of new tecnologies.

    Most people think of disruptive innovations when THE TERM? innovation is used.

    In fact more than 70% of the (OR: OF ALL INNOVATIONS) innovations are frugal.

    We need to carry out a test phase.

    Not only beer is handcrafted better :-) IS BETTER WHEN BEING HANDCRAFTED


  • #15

    Dagmar for Julia D. (Dienstag, 24 März 2020 12:29)

    It is really daring to start a start up without any financial assistance.

    Big companys=> COMPANIES have often rigid structures.

    Inventions are mostly actuated by a special need.

    The product lifecycle comprises all the stages from develOpment to degenERa(r)tion.

    You might need to convert the file before you are able to open it.


  • #16

    Dagmar For Markus H. (Dienstag, 24 März 2020 12:30)

    1.) After several setbacks the company had to start the development of the product from scratch.
    2.) Good collaboration with suppliers increases the long-term success of a company.
    3.) There are many copycats of technical products in the Asian region.
    4.) All numbers and statistics in my scientific work are verifiable.
    5.) In my bachelor thesis I want to improve the efficiency of dealing with customer complaints by streamlining a process.


  • #17

    Dagmar for Christoph Z. (Dienstag, 24 März 2020 12:31)

    Hi Christoph,

    1) Customers anticipate (OR MAYBE EXPECT WOULD BE MORE SUITABLE HERE...) a low price for the new product.
    2) The government is trying to sustain the smaller businesses .
    3) The additional slack time allows us to assemble 2 hours without a new delivery.
    4) Our new product is a bleeding-edge App for tracking calories. (OR: TO TRACK)
    5) The App comprises a shopping list and a repertoire of recipes.
    Kind regards

  • #18

    Dagmar for Andreas B. (Dienstag, 24 März 2020 12:33)

    Hi Andreas:
    If the employees have more slack time during work they are more creative.

    The product line comprises the assEmbling and the packageing of the product.

    The sales figures of respiration masks made a huge jump with the start of the Corona virus => CRISIS.

    The be more efficent in the production the allocate personnel was done completely new. SORRY I REALLY DON´T GET THIS. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SAY?

    They launched a product which was cutting-edge.
    Best wishes

  • #19

    Dagmar for Peter J. (Dienstag, 24 März 2020 12:35)

    Hi Peter,
    1.) It is necessary to anticipate customers´(APOSTROPHE= needs to be economicalLY successful.
    2.) As future innovation managerS we should encourage that employees can have more light-bulb moments.
    3.) After the Corona pandemic many companies WILL have to start from scratch.
    4.) Our service is very ductilE to customers needs. (I WOULD USE ADAPTABLE / FLEXIBLE HERE AND DUCTILE WHEN IT COMES TO THINGS YOU CAN TOUCH ...)
    5.) The situation after the Corona crisis will be totalLy avant-garde.
    BR Dagmar

  • #20

    Dagmar for Nadine P. (Dienstag, 24 März 2020 12:37)

    Hi Nadine,

    1.) In my opinion, this company is a copy(cat) of my company (OR: IS A COPYCAT BUSINESS) because my company existed first.
    2.) It is very important for the environment to produce our products sustainably.
    3.) I particularly appreciate this product because it is handcrafted.
    4.) I only buy these bottles because they are reusable.
    5.) If the employees have more slack time, they will work (BE) more concentrated.
    Kind regards, Dagmar

  • #21

    Medina (Dienstag, 24 März 2020 17:07)

    Hi Dagmar,

    - It could appear that an employee has been allocated for several projects.
    - There are a lot of tips on how to build customer rapport with your customers.
    - I had a real light-bulb moment that it was time to set up my own business.
    - Let her pay the penalty and get on with it.
    - I require the well-known and easily verifiable result.

    Br, Medina

  • #22

    Tatjana Jovanovic (Mittwoch, 25 März 2020 15:54)

    1. She leads a frugal life and is not interested in consumption.
    2. The economic crisis gave rise to a lot of copycat services.
    3. The company allocates funds for research projects.
    4. Rubber is very flexible and ductile.
    5. The material is rigid and firm.

  • #23

    Alexandra König (Mittwoch, 25 März 2020 21:01)

    1. It was very hard for us to oversee the whole project.
    2. Are you sure, that your computer is state-of-the-art?
    3. Please ensure, that we will meet the deadline next week.
    4. This product is innovative because the upper material it is very heat-tolerant.
    5. Everybody said, that your invention is evolutionary and will bring a lot of revenue in the next years..

  • #24

    Jakob Rohrer (Mittwoch, 25 März 2020 21:07)

    1. I am sorry, I missed the deadline.
    2. I propose to set up a meeting on Monday.
    3. Old materials often contain forbidden substances.
    4. The cooling fan of an electric car is powered by an electric motor.
    5. In cars all materials must be non-flammable.

  • #25

    Sandro Wallner (Donnerstag, 26 März 2020 02:02)

    1.) starting from scratch:
    Because of lack of time I would choose the existing service instead of starting a new one from scratch.

    2.) to streamline:
    To save costs, the company must streamline its administration.

    3.) copycat:
    We are not looking for copycat strategies which simply follow existing trends.

    4.) slack time:
    The additional slack time allows us to think one hour per day about process improvement.

    5.) build rapport:
    Managers try to quickly build up rapport with the employees.

  • #26

    Dagmar for Medina (Donnerstag, 26 März 2020 15:17)

    Hi Medina,

    - It could appear that an employee has been allocated for several projects. (OR HAS BEEN ASSIGNED SEVERAL PROJECTS - ALLOCATE IS OFTEN RATHER USED FOR NOUNS THAN PEOPLE)
    - There are a lot of tips on how to build (customer) rapport with your customers.
    - I had a real light-bulb moment AND NOTICED / FOUND OUT / REALISED that it was time to set up my own business.
    - Let her pay the penalty and get on with it.
    - I require the well-known and easily verifiable result.
    Best regards

  • #27

    Dagmar for Tatjane J. (Donnerstag, 26 März 2020 15:19)


  • #28

    Dagmar for Alexandra K. (Donnerstag, 26 März 2020 15:33)

    1. It was very hard for us to oversee the whole project.
    2. Are you sure(,) NO COMMA that your computer is state-of-the-art?
    3. Please ensure(,) NO COMMA that we will meet the deadline next week.
    4. This product is innovative because the upper material it is very heat-tolerant.
    5. Everybody said(,) NO COMMA that your invention is evolutionary and will bring a lot of revenue in the next years..

  • #29

    Dagmar for Jakob R. (Donnerstag, 26 März 2020 15:33)


  • #30

    Dagmar for Sandro W. (Donnerstag, 26 März 2020 15:34)


    5.) build rapport:
    Managers try to quickly build (up) rapport with the employees.

  • #31

    Christian Neuwirth (Donnerstag, 26 März 2020 15:44)

    At the beginning of a project it is advisable to develop a work breakdown structure.
    In the long term, studying always pays off.
    The big tech-giants invest most in research and development
    You have to set priorities in your studies.
    It is extremely important for a company to create unique customer experiences.

  • #32

    Philip Fraß (Donnerstag, 26 März 2020 16:10)

    Hi Dagmar,

    1. As the company started manufacturing electrical vehicles, they broke new ground.
    2. At our project in St. Stefan we first heard about frugal innovation.
    3. In my opinion european countries should now copycat the chinese stragety to deal with corona virus.
    4. Everybody should try to build rapport with new colleagues, when changing his/her job.
    5. My company is continuously streamlining its processes to save costs.

    Greetings Philip

  • #33

    Michael Reiterer (Donnerstag, 26 März 2020 21:07)

    1.) light-bulb-moment
    Last week, we had a meeting to discuss the new options for our product but nobody had a light-bulb moment.

    2.) copycat
    When a new product will be placed on the market, it won't take a long time until the first copycat can be found.

    3.) regulatory work
    If you want to built up your own start up you have to do a lot of regulatory work.

    4.) penalties
    In the B4B market it is usual that every contract includes penalties in case of the offered perforce won't be delivered.

    5.) abrasion-resistant
    The abrasion resistance of our new product would be a quality indicator.

  • #34

    Andreas Beuchler (Donnerstag, 26 März 2020 22:42)

    Ice cream sellers usually have a "slack time" in the winter.

    A final invoice must be "verifiable".

    A "cost restriction" is achieved by reducing fixed costs.

    A process must be "feasible".

    The "scope" of the project can be seen in the report.

  • #35

    Dagmar for Christian N. (Freitag, 27 März 2020 17:29)

    At the beginning of a project it is advisable to develop a work breakdown structure.
    In the long term, studying always pays off. YESSSS!
    The big tech-giants invest (THE) most in research and development
    You have to set priorities in your studies. (AND IN LIFE :-))
    It is extremely important for a company to create unique customer experiences.

  • #36

    Dagmar for Philip F. (Freitag, 27 März 2020 17:31)

    1. As the company started manufacturing electrical vehicles, they broke new ground.
    2. At (AT SOUNDS REALLY STRANGE HERE - WHEN WORKING ON?) our project in St. Stefan we first heard about frugal innovation.
    3. In my opinion European countries should now copycat the Chinese stragety to deal with coronavirus. CAPITAL LETTERS!
    4. Everybody should try to build rapport with new colleagues, when changing his/her job.
    5. My company is continuously streamlining its processes to save costs IF YOU USE THE ING FORM IN THIS CONTEXT IT MEANS YOU´RE ANNOYED BY IT ...

  • #37

    Dagmar for Michael R. (Freitag, 27 März 2020 17:33)

    1.) light-bulb-moment
    Last week, we had a meeting to discuss the new options for our product but nobody had a light-bulb moment.

    2.) copycat
    When a new product will be (IS) placed on the market, it won't take a long time until the first copycat can be found.

    3.) regulatory work
    If you want to built=> BUILD up your own start up you have to do a lot of regulatory work.

    4.) penalties
    In the B4B market it is usual => COMMON that every contract includes penalties in case (of) the offered perforMANce won't=> ISN`T (be) delivered.

    5.) abrasion-resistant
    The abrasion resistance of our new product would be a quality indicator.

  • #38

    Dagmar for Andreas B. (Freitag, 27 März 2020 17:34)

    Ice cream sellers usually have a "slack time" in the winter.

    A final invoice must be "verifiable".

    A "cost restriction" is achieved by reducing fixed costs. I GUESS THIS WOULD BE A COST REDUCTION - WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?

    A process must be "feasible".

    The "scope" of the project can be seen in the report.

  • #39

    Lukas Allmer (Samstag, 28 März 2020 14:29)

    This special drink contains a lot of vitamins and proteins.

    My product is powered by a batterie.

    The walls from my flat are soundproof.

    This trend is very durable.

    Big companies often have a lot of stakeholders.