In this section, you should develop your idea, product, etc. The following section contains useful vocabulary and information about the innovation process that will help you develop your disruptive innovation.
According to TRIZ, a problem is the gap between what we want (our requirements) and what we´ve got (our systems). In order to solve a problem, innovators should ask themselves a couple of questions.
As far as your product / service / innovation is concerned, try to find out:
Here is useful vocabulary:
In order to be successful, innovative companies and their products and/or services address their customers´ needs. In order to do this, they have to identify customer requirements, and even anticipate customers´ needs. In this way they can create unique customer experiences.
Sometimes researchers have a light-bulb moment – this is an inspirational idea– or they make a discovery. Sometimes they have to start from scratch, meaning that they have to start from the very beginning, having no resources. Another possibility, however, is to re-engineer
an existing product or to upgrade existing products or services. In any case, thinking outside the box is a good starting point.
CEOs often want to see results quickly. They know that a good invention sets the company apart from the competitors – this is why they often set the bar very high, meaning they have very high expectations.
Here are some words that form collocations with innovation:
Watch WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Stephen Johnson
How do you go about innovating your product?
Which steps are involved in the innovation process?
Here is useful vocabulary:
When companies want to break new ground, they should be prepared to invest in R&D. Sometimes it is necessary to start by doing exploratory research. Sharing best practices might also help. Some companies have found it useful to collaborate with suppliers in order to streamline processes. To create a working model of a product, you have to create a prototype, measure performance and carry out safety-tests. Sometimes you also have to do regulatory work.
When developing your innovation, you will be involved in projects and plans. When developing your new product, you will have to go through different project phases. Make sure you plan your project carefully and think of a back-up plan in case things go wrong.
Here is useful vocabulary:
Initiating and planning
In the initiation and planning phases, the project manager and his/her team members agree on a budget, allocate personnel, assign tasks, build a team, build rapport, define roles and the scope of the project and specify objectives. They should also think of a back-up plan. In this phase you should set your budget and think of any possible cost/budget constraints and all your stakeholders. Once your budget has been approved you should try to keep to the budget and not exceed it (stay within or under budget, you might get problems if you are over budget).
When defining your goals, make sure they are SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. Some of your goals will be long-term, some will be short-term, but all of them should be verifiable – and, last but not least – feasible. You will also need a work breakdown structure including milestones, any parallel activities, slack time as well as the start and finish dates. Don´t forget to consider any penalties you may face when you fail to achieve your goals.
Designing and discovering, test phase
The discovery phase is followed by the test phase – this often includes building a prototype – the team members involved here are often lab technicians and research scientists. Do not forget to set priorities – sometimes corrective actions will have to be taken.
Executing and evaluating
In the execution and evaluation phases, you will evaluate and monitor progress and you may decide to outsource work to somebody else.
Here are words you can use with deadline:
Here are words that can be used with the word project:
What makes your invention so special?
What is your USP?
Here is useful vocabulary:
Your innovation / product / service can be:
There are several words in English to describe things that are new:
Once you have identified a gap in the market (a problem or customers´ need for your innovation), gone through the innovation process with your project team and identified the unique qualities of your innovation, it is time to describe your product.
Prepare a detailed and comprehensible description of your invention that enables others to understand how it works. Make reference to its design, properties and materials used and include a sketch. If applicable, also include a very brief manual (how it works, how it can be
used). The description you prepare should not be used for marketing purposes but should be highly technical.
Here is useful vocabulary:
To describe your innovation, you can use these words:
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