Asking for opinions
Involving people
When discussing your innovation with your peers, you may have to convince them that your ideas are the best.
Here are some persuasive strategies. Which strategy to use depends on the context – of course, there are many more …
An anecdote is a short story about something you have experienced or heard about. An anecdote can engage, involve and interest the people listening to you and you can also use it to explain something and make it clearer, or to make a comparison.
Here are useful phrases:
o You know...
o I remember when ...
o When I think about ...
o When I …. I’m reminded of ...
o Have you ever been in the situation where
o I remember when ...
o It turned out that ...
Facts and figures can be very persuasive as they are a rational and scientific basis for your suggestions. The provision of numbers and facts makes your argument seem objective rather than personal.
Here are useful phrases:
o Did you know that ...
o According to the latest study ...
o Statistics show that...
o I read in … the other day that ...
In order to create rapport, you can use personal and possessive pronouns like “we”, “us”, “our”, etc.. When using inclusive language you try to avoid patronizing you colleagues but create a sense of belonging to the same group. It will be easier for others to accept your ideas if you give them the feeling that they are not left out.
Here are useful phrases:
o We all share …
o We all know what that means, don´t we?
o Haven´t we all …
o Don´t we all ...
When you attack somebody (a group of people, your competitors, people who don´t share your opinion), others may think badly of these people and therefore reject their ideas. If you praise somebody, others may regard their ideas positively.
Exaggerating situations can have a dramatic impact. In order to do this, you can also use a hyperbole (metaphor). Often, the use of exaggeration has an emotional or funny impact.
When you use a word or phrase several times, you emphasize your main point and make sure that it will be remembered by your listeners.
Using language that carries emotional weight encourages your listeners to respond on an emotional level rather than considering facts.
Here is useful vocabulary:
annoy, baffle, bewilder, bore, confuse, depress, disappoint, excite, frighten, frustrate, interest, motivate, overwhelm, please, puzzle, shock, surprise
Generalisations are very general statements that are meant to be true for a large group of people / many things. Often, generalisations refer to a prejudice or agree with a widely held belief.
Rhetorical questions involve your listeners and create anticipation in their minds. Usually, rhetorical questions imply an answer, but don´t include it. However, you can also give the answer in order to make an impact.
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