Vocab list - Session 3


a business that is connected with another one or is a member of the same organisation


assembly line

organisation of workers and machines with every worker doing one particular task and forwarding the product to another worker



a company that is connected with another one; sometimes this term is also used for employees of a company


be accountable to someone

to be able to justify your actions vis-à-vis that person


be at the helm

to lead or run a business


be based in

to be located in, to be situated in


be headquartered

to have the main offices


blue-chip company

a successful global player



the room where the most important members of a company (the board) convene



an office, shop, production facility, etc. of a business (often located abroad)


business function

certain areas of responsibility, such as purchase, sales, finance, etc.


business park

an area where there are offices and facilities of a number of different companies


business unit

a segment of a business that fulfills a certain function (e.g. marketing, accounting)


car park

parking lot



closed circuit television



Chief Executive Officer (AE)


company gym

a place where employees can work out


consist of

to be made up of, to be divided into, to comprise


corner office

an office in the corner of a building - usually a corner office has more windows than other offices and is therefore a bit more prestigious than other offices



a legal entity that can own and sell, sue and be sued, etc.



an enclosed area in an open-plan office


day-care centre

a kind of kindergarten for the employees´ children



a (smaller) section of a company



a group of departments in a company - the people working there have similar responsibilities and work at the same location



place where you can access a building





executive floor

the top floor of a company where the managers´ offices are located


family business

a company that is owned by one or more members of a family, usually, different positions within the company are also occupied by family members


fat cat

a wealthy, well-paid person, often used in a negative way



smooth, not steep


fringe benefits

additional benefits a company offers its employees (e.g. a subsidised canteen, a company car, an insurance package, a kindergarten, etc.); perks



a large oven


goods reception

area in a plant where incoming goods are registered and organised


head up

to be responsible for the company´s activities and its employees



main offices



the policy of not providing a dedicated office or desk for every employee


industrial estate

a piece of land dedicated to industrial production (also called industrial park)



entrance hall


managerial level

company layer with regard to positions and responsibilities


manufacture goods

to produce products


manufacturing plant

production facility



Managing Director (BE)


middle management

intermediate level of managers who report to the highest level and are responsible for emplyoees


minority owned

only a small part belongs to another organisation


mom-and-pop business

a very small business that is run by one or more family members


office abroad

offices located in other parts of the world


office block

office building



to outsource overseas


open-plan office

a very large office without internal walls



when companies outsource production, they pay another company to manufacture their goods



to supervise


parent company

initial business which has created daughter companies



additional benefits a company offers its employees (e.g. a subsidised canteen, a company car, an insurance package, a kindergarten, etc.); fringe benefits



all the buildings and land that belong to a company at a certain location



to work on raw materials / food to create finished products


production facilities

the plant where goods are manufactured



Research & Development


report to

to present the results of your activities to your superior



a part of something



area where the company´s products and services are exhibited and explained



a newly founded business



very sharp, high or quickly 


storage area

place where goods and materials are kept



a (daughter) company that is controlled by its parent company



a company structure with too many well-paid managers


umbrella company

main company that leads the group 


underground car park

underground garage



a building where goods and materials are stored



referring to employees who work in an office, as opposed to those who do manual work


wholly owned

the entire company belongs to another organisation



the place where people do their jobs