bank loan
money that you can borrow from a bank (don´t forget it´s bad to borrow, but lovely to lend)
business angel
an angel investor who invests in a newly founded business
money or assets that show the financial strength of a company
celebrity endorsement
the use of famous people to promote your product e..g. as part of a marketing campaign
commercial venture
a new business activity involving the risk of failure
property belonging to someone taking out a loan - when the money borrowed is not paid back, this property will become the property of the person or organisation who lends the money
the activity of making many people spend usually small amounts of money on a start-up, typically using the Internet
someone who starts their own business
financial plan
a document prepared by an organisation that summarises its money-related goals and describes way how they can be reached
an estimate or prediction
government grant
a certain sum of money given by the government to an eligible organisation. It does not have to be paid back and is often subject to a lengthy application process
interest payments
payment of money charged by e.g. a bank for lending money
relating to a longer period of time (e.g. some years)
make a killing
to earn a lot of money
costs that occur no matter how much is produced by a company (e.g. electricity, rent, etc.)
the amount of money an organisatio has lent to a business (which, including interest, will have to be repaid)
to pay back
all the income a business has
money an employee is paid at the end of every month for the work he has done for a company
guarantee (e.g. that debt will be repaid)
relating to a shorter period of time (e.g. some days or weeks)
strings attached
special requirements or limits
a wealthy person who is a successful businessman / businesswoman
venture capital
money invested in a risky undertaking
word of mouth
information about a product that is passed on from customer to customer orally and in an informal way
working on a shoestring
working on a small budget
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